
RDSX the seal of choice for Finnish company

Reliability and ease of installation has made the AES RDSX™ seal the first choice for a Finnish company which provides technologies, systems and service to the pulp, paper and energy sectors.

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Improved reliability and reduced water consumption

A cheese dairy in Denmark were having problems with seals only lasting 3 months, and using 1,300 cubic meters of water per year on a quench to drain flush system, for 25 of their CIP pumps.

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CDPH boosts MTBF from four months to seven years

The installation of a CDPH™ double mechanical seal along with an EasyClean™ seal support system proved to be the remedy for the frequent failures of a competitor’s seal at a power plant in Denmark.

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Major savings with CKD double seal

The single seals being used by Swedish water treatment company were unsuitable for the job they were being asked to do, allowing limescale to enter between the seal faces and leak out on to the floor of the plant.

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